Illustrating for TV: my art made the News!

Last week at work I was asked to illustrate social media announcements for a research publication on COPD treatment. The medical team also wanted to create a last-minute media packet to send out to radio/TV/newspapers in case any wanted to pick up the story. 

Although my work week had technically ended and the deadline was tight, I jumped on the opportunity to potentially illustrate for national media. There was no guarantee the art would even be used, but I worked 3 long days to design and finalise two illustrations that communicated the research, and disease it centred around (COPD).

My illustration on national news!

A few days later it was featured on national News and I couldn't be more delighted! This is the first time my art has been on TV, and it’s really cool to see my niche used in a mainstream broadcast!

I love making art that opens up medicine for public audiences. Health is a cornerstone of life, and it is a pleasure to be able to demystify it. Choosing which opportunities to engage with is tricky, but if you love the process and go the extra mile, I've found it leads to unexpected rewards more often than not!

Interested in a video breakdown of my process? Click here to see how I created the healthy vs COPD lungs illustration!