Could comics be the best way to share healthcare research? graphic medicine, research, publicationsCiléin9 April 2022COVID-19, comics, comic, science comic, scicomm, research, publication, public healthComment
How big were Kiwis' bubbles? A comic research summary caretoons, graphic medicine, publications, researchCiléin8 April 2022COVID-19, publication, public healthComment
Letting grow... caretoonsCiléin7 November 2020COVID-19, lockdown, quarantine, skype, Zoom, Facetime, video call, phonecall, call, sliceOfLife Comments
The curious case of influenza in the Southern Hemisphere caretoons, publicationsCiléin27 October 2020caretoons, caretoon, comic, webcomic, science comic, public health, COVID-19Comment
Why should we stay 2m away from others when socially distancing? caretoonsCiléin15 April 2020COVID-19, caretoon, public health, pandemic Comments
Why does the number of cases keep rising after lockdown? COVID-19 Caretoon #02 caretoonsCiléin2 April 2020webcomic, comic, science comic, COVID-19, public healthComment
Stop the spread! COVID-19 Caretoon #01 caretoonsCiléin27 March 2020COVID-19, coronavirus, comic, webcomic, flatten the curve, scicomm, science comic, public healthComment